
55 guns, 50 grenades,
1 0 or 1 5 kilos of powder.

Out of this sprang to life
the Jewish fighting organization.

On January 1 8, 1943,
German patrols enter the ghetto...

... to begin more deportations.
For the first time, they are met
by armed Jewish resistance.

The first day they came in. . .
. . .and they still thought
they were going to do like usual. . .

. . .come in, like to a parade.
It turns out that it isn't a parade.
This was the first resistance
in Poland, one has to say.

Military, organized resistance.
Not the killing of one person,
some informer or stool pigeon. . .

. . .but military resistance.
The word you keep hearing
in every one of the memoirs. . .

. . .is that enormous act of dignity.
''We have forced the supermen to flee. ''
''They are running for their lives. ''
There was a pistol in his hand
and he used it for the first time. . .

. . .and realized
that the Germans were human.

They could be killed.
So from that time on. . .
. . .the atmosphere in the ghetto

And I would say that the uprising. . .
. . .and the role of the
Jewish fighters' organization. . .

. . .in the Warsaw ghetto. . .
. . .was succeeding only because
they had the cooperation. . .

. . .of the remnant of the
Jewish population in the ghetto.

The resistance knows victory
is temporary...

... that the Germans will return.
They do their best to prepare
for the next assault.

Under the direction of General
Jürgen Stroop it begins in force.
