
. . .as you get to know the people,
you experience that they all resisted.

They resisted in the means
they had at their disposal.

Take off your hat.
No, thank you.
I said take off your hat.
People wondered why more Jews
didn't rebel. That's a big question.

How can they just go so passively into
concentration camps? Why not fight?

There's an anecdote I heard about
thousands of Russian army officers. . .

. . .who were marched to their death.
You know how many people were
guarding them? Two armed Germans.

These are professional soldiers.
Why didn't they attack?

They could've killed them.
Forty people would die, maybe 50, 1 0?

Why didn't they do it?
You're dealing with a very
interesting psychological situation.

It's an unfair moniker on the Jews.
The final indignity of the Holocaust.

That was something
that over time became. . .

. . .a force behind
getting this movie made.

We know that 300,000 Warsaw Jews. . .
. . .have been sent to Treblinka,
a death camp, or simply murdered.

For now, deportations have ceased.
When they resume,
we will no longer submit.

We're going to respond
with armed resistance!

Mordechai Anielewicz,
and his friends. . .

. . .founded this resistance,
an underground movement to undermine. . .

. . .deportations to the death camps and
to pester and kill Nazis in any way.

It was an idealistic organization. . .
. . .with a socialist bent.
It was a true collective.

The emphasis was on the group,
and not the individual.

Here. In case you run
into trouble again.
