
They had to be prepared.
They had to have their ideas.

If they wanted to say something,
I'd say ''Let's try that, or do this. ''

It was a loose feeling.
All I had to do was start them and
say go, because we did the improvs.

They got that movement
that just feels real.

That was so important to me
because I knew from early on. . .

. . .I would shoot this in
a quasi-documentary style.

It was a little frustrating to my
ADs because I wouldn't rehearse.

I wouldn't rehearse
for the camera department.

I'd say, ''You have to hit this.
Get in focus. ''

Denis Lenoir, my French
cinematographer, did a fantastic job.

This story hadn't been told, partly
because it was physically difficult.

Raffaella De Laurentiis is the genius
that put all the people together.

It wasn't a set.
They built the Ghetto.

They built acres of buildings
and cobblestone streets.

-Like they were there for centuries.
-It had to be designed.

The technical drawings.
And was it feasible?

I came up with the idea of not
building where Raffaella wanted.

I wanted to build it in Bratislava.
It was created for the movie. . .
. . .because the Ghetto
wasn't this layout.

We took one and a half months
to draw the proper building drawings.

And it took three months to build,
paint and dress the set.

It was an extraordinary set.
It was living. It was vital.

You saw children marching.
They have no idea even, really,
that they're making a film.

And that innocence. . .
. . .of them being oblivious to what
they're doing, where they're led. . .
