Va savoir

HeIIo, CamiIIe.
In three years, I thought
you'd have changed

your habits.
No, no, same morning prayer
on the same bench.
- What's wrong?
- Nothing.

As you can see, I'm in Paris.
I see.
I'm not staying,
we Ieave for Vienna next week.
You Iike that Iife, I guess.
I Iike that Iife, absoIuteIy.
And you came to teII me.
I went by your home.
To say heIIo.

Won't you sit?
Sonia toId you I was here?
Her name is Sonia.
I Iove her very much.
Been together for two years.

I'm happy to see you.
Won't you sit?
Did you pubIish your thesis?
No, it's reaIIy a state thesis.
It goes on for years.
I'm not done with the oId bugger.
You remember?
I think I even remember the titIe.
A bit compIicated...
''Heidegger coma
''the pre Socratic to the new
German thought''. More or Iess.

The titIe has changed. It's shorter.
''Heidegger, the jeaIous one''.
Isn't it?
Sit down.
