Va savoir

Someone came to see you.
A woman.
What did she want?
She didn't say. To see you.
I think she was... your ex.
Yes, CamiIIe.
In fact, I'm sure of it.
Did she say anything?
Didn't have a chance to taIk.
You don't Iook surprised.
You have aIways seen
these eyes of Cia?

Yes, these eyes!
- They are not the same?
- Yes, the same!

These are the same, not those!
A bit green...

What green, they're bIue!
For you, green.
For you, bIue.
And for Bruno, Iook:
grey, with bIack Iashes.

Even the painter had his word...
''The reaI eyes of Cia''.
Try to define them,
even using a portrait!
Dear Pierre.
My dear Pierre.
I forgot...
no, today I forgot...
to teII you
that if you want
to see
the show,
I'II Ieave
two tickets
at the counter,
for tomorrow night,
and the other nights.
If you want to come, come,
