Va savoir

so strongIy the right I have to Iie
despite the Iife I've Ied.
You want me to account for my Iies?
Account for your own!
- I never Iied!
- You?

We do just that, aII of us!
Four years ago, I couId've Iost
someone who wasn't my husband.

If it's him, he's changed his voice.
He's pIaying a part, mother.
TeII us a bit of the story,
it wouId be interesting to know.
And hence Iearn some truth,
on this Signora Lucia I am to be.
Listen, Iisten...
AIIow me to speak to you,
face to face!
Not face to face...
:04:01 front of him.
I'd Iike him to know.

Excuse me.
I'II wait.
I'm coming.
She's the actress?
She is very pretty.
She speaks French without an accent.
Mother, she's French.
CamiIIe Renard.

So she's biIinguaI,
- I admire that.
- I'II teII her.

And you Dominique?
It was beautifuI.
I'II teII you tomorrow.
