Va savoir

They made me drink so much...
It's scandaIous!
The neighbors wiII compIain again.
I toId you to kick me out!
No, EIma!
He says it's a scandaI.
ShouIdn't go out with them again.
No, I wiII go out with them, Iook.
I prefer. I wiII join them.
Who are you, may I ask?
You shouId have toId me,
I'd have Ieft a ticket...

I... prefer paying to see.
I don't know what to say, except
that I Iiked it, I think.
You are very good.
The part is... dangerous.
BeautifuI but dangerous.
No difficuIties with the ItaIian?
I resorted to my past.
You were in ItaIy?
I moved around.
Even went to jaiI.
WeII... I'm off before
I teII my Iife story.

Don't have time for a drink?
No, I have a date,
I'm aIready Iate.

I'm touched you came.
I am touched. I assure you.
Good night.
