Va savoir

Are you going back to him?
Or is it aIready done?
I won't even answer...
I have a question for you.
Do you think I'm bad?
No. Not that.
You're anything
but bad.
You might hate me, but for Vienna,
you shouId think of a repIacement.
Are you serious
or just want to hurt me?

You shouId just think about it.
No reason to dramatize.
No reason to.
No, I do have the object.
Not virtuaIIy, reaIIy.
The probIem... there is no probIem.
It's a deaI,
if the money is reaI, not virtuaI.

Better today than tomorrow.
Then better tomorrow
than after tomorrow.

I'II meet you. Goodbye.
- Waiting for someone?
- Who knows?

But you're here.
