Vanilla Sky

the mind behaves
as if it were in a dream.

Faces change.
People become other people.

The subconscious
is a powerful thing.

You treated Julie carelessly,

Your feelings of responsibility
or guilt over Julie...

might have easily
turned Sofia intoJulie.

Do you know what derangement is?
I need your help.
All I know is,
you killed your girlfriend...

and I don't know
what's in your mind.

I need your help.
I would work on this case forever
if I could, butwe're out of time.

What will you plead?
Temporary derangement.
That's your best chance.
I don't think they'll believe me.
What do you believe?
Believe it or not,
I care about you.

You've become like family to me.
I don't want to give up on you,
David, but I needed more.

I needed--
I needed an answer.
I mean, I even thought there was
more than a good chance...

somebody was playing
a trick on you.

Maybe it was the board.
