Vanilla Sky

It's all just around the corner.
The day after tomorrow,
another chapter begins seamlessly.

A living dream.
Life Extension's promise to you.
Life, part two.
A living dream.
"Your death will be
wiped from your memory."

I guess I missed that one
in USA Today.

A dream.
What if there was a mistake?
What if the dream
became a nightmare?

Of course your subconscious
can always play tricks on you.

The subconscious
is a very powerful thing.

Did you sign a contract
with these people, David?

But this is a serious business.
The Lucid Dream
is worth the risk.

And what is any life
if not the pursuit ofa dream?

The dream ofpeace...
the dream ofachievement...
the dream ofhearing someone
say these words...

when they really,
truly mean them.

I love you, David.
I love you.
Roam free, David.
Most of us
live our whole lives...

without any real adventure
to call our own.

It's hard to comprehend.
But they laughed
at JulesVerne too.

is a revolution...
of the mind.
