
proconsul oftransalpine Gaul.
For the moment.
A victory over the Bretons--

will bring me no closer
to a triumphal return to Rome...

and Rome no closer
to the government it must have.

Julius Caesar, King ofthe Romans.
Vercingetorix, no.
A king who founds a dynasty
is a hero...

but his son, a mediocrity...
and his grandson, a half-wit...
or a monster.
And his great-grandson,
probably both.

I don't seek to destroy
the Republic.

Only to rule it.
A modest enough ambition.
When Alexander the Great was
ten years younger than I am today...

he had conquered
the entire civilized world.

Atyour age, he was dead.
All the more reason to hurry.
Dine with me tonight.
I am sure...
you will fi nd it interesting.
I pray to the gods that Caesar sends
1 00 legions after us.

the Gauls only fear having
the sky fall on their heads.

the Gaul who said that
to Alexander...

was struck dead by lightning.
take this lightning and eat it!
Listen to me!
