
lf only you'd seen it.
Up in flames, smoke pouring out.

The Mayor's a relative of mine.
Now they're ribbing me too.

They call him ''The Vizontele Mayor''.
Has a nice ring to it.
Get me some hot water, would you?
l told him it would never work,
but he wouldn't listen.

And l told him we should get a
technician from Ankara.

He and Crazy Emin set the
state's vizontele on fire.

How can l explain this
to the governor?

We'll probably see some real
fiery shows on that thing.

You'll all vote for him again anyway.
Not a chance.
And two people
were wounded they say.

So what are the two cleanest bears
in town talking about?

The vizontele fire.
lt'll go on burning. l'm a movie man,
myself. lt's something else.

Now, who was that tall actor?
Tarýk Akan.
That's right. He's not that tall.
Just comes up to here.

l saw him in lstanbul once.
That's movies for you.

There's one more thing.
l was walking in Beyoðlu... last year.

Who was that guy
with the pencil line mustache.

Ayhan lsýk.
Of course you know nothing
about Beyoðlu.

Who was the guy in ''Tourist Omer''?
-Sadri Alýsýk.

Right. He's got a thin mustache too.
