
She's from America. Life out there
is so stressful, so busy

- My child...

question two is, I hear you like late
night parties, and you come home late?

Nice, nice! So what?
So even after you're married,
it goes on... these late nights?

Getting married doesn't mean
giving up my friends, my independence

After we're married, she can
come and go as she wishes

I don't mind.
Why are you asking these questions?

My third question is, Lalit says
that after the marriage...

we should have a litte baby,
like a blossom...

I've already cleared this with Ronit.
I don't want a baby in 4 or 5 years

I don't want to ruin my figure.
- But this is part of our culture

One has duties towards offspring,
towards parents...

Ronit, your uncle seems to belong
to some village in the backwaters

I don't like to have discussions
with small fry like you

To me, you are nothing more than
a marriage broker for the Malhotras

I should be leaving
