
Man, that was close... I can't
believe Maury's in on it too...

That she-male Katinka's
not messing around...

You're telling me!
For a second there...

I thought someone was gonna
be reading our "eugoogoly"

Okay, all right,
we need a place to hide.

Where's the last place anyone
would ever expect to look foryou?

I don't know.
Think, okay?
This is important!

I hate Hansel! Hansel, Hansel!
Everywhere I look! Hansel!

Were you looking for a rematch?
Excuse me, Hansel. I don't think
there's an easy way to put this...

so I am just gonna lay it out.
Derek has been brainwashed...
to kill the prime minister
of Malaysia.

And we need a place to hide until
we figure this whole thing out.

Derek said this would be the last
place anyone would look for him.

Yeah, you're cool to hide here.
But first, me and him
gotta straighten some shit out.

Why you been acting
so messed up towards me?

Why you been acting
so messed up towards me?

Well, you go first.
I don't know. Maybe I felt
a little threatened or something...

'cause your career
is kind of just blossoming...

and mine's kind ofwinding down
or whatever.

And I felt like,
"This guy's really hurting me"...

and it hurt.
And I felt like when you told me
to "dere-lick" my balls...

that really hurt.
Maybe I was scared, man.
You're Derek Zoolander!

Yeah, you're Derek Zoolander.
You know what it's like to be
another model in Zoolander's shadow?
