24 Hour Party People

# l wanna be... #
1976. samo je dvoje ili troje ljudi
kontroliralo svu glazbu na teleziviji.

I nije im se sviðao punk.
Pa, godinu dana...
...ako ste željeli vidjeti
najuzbudljivije bandove na svijetu...

...oni su nastupali u regionalnoj
emisiji iz Manchestera.

Mojoj emisiji.
(Make Up 2 Break Up)
# ...when foundation's on my face #

# Foundation on my face
Eye! Eye! Eye! #

# Shadow on the cheekbones #
# Hides the gaze of death's face #
# A death's-head thrown across me #
# Sitting, sitting, sitting
out of place #

# Sitting out of place #
(The Passenger)
# What does he see? #
# He sees the bright and hollow sky #
# He sees the stars come out tonight #
# He sees the city's ripped backsides #
# And all the winding ocean drive #
# And everything was made
for you and me #

# All of it was made for you and me #
# lt just belongs to you and me#
# Let's take a ride... #
(ln The City)
# You make me look a fool #

# l wanna say #
# l wanna tell you #
# About the young ideas #
# You'd better listen
now you've said your bit #

(No More Heroes)
# Whatever happened to #

# Dear old Lenny? #
# The great Elmyra?... #
The Stranglers. Èudesno.
- Ovo je klasika.
- Ma to je sranje.

- Gomila kurcolizaca.
- Hej. Pazi na rjeènik.

(Karl Denver: Wimoweh)
- Ovo je bolje.
E, ovaj tip...
Jebeno obožavam tog tipa.
Tip je fantastièan.

Slušaj taj glas.
