25th Hour

Who's more macho?
Monty is more macho!
What goes on
in your little head?

A little of the tricks,
a little of the quicks.

Boom. Bam. He's nabbed.
Yeah, little tricks,
little quicks.

You are bleeding.
You get bite.

Dog's blood.
God, you got to learn
to relax a little bit.

Live a little.
You have hole in neck
and blood is coming out.

Little love bite
for saving his raggedy ass.

Rule number one -- you cannot
grab half-dead animals.

We have people
waiting for us.

People with money.
You want to play this cowboy!
No -- dogboy
in middle of highway.

That's funny, Kostya.

- Yes, funny.
- You mastered the language.

You're bad luck, Monty.
You bring bad luck on me.

Always everything
that can go wrong, go wrong.

It is not just you and me
anymore when we go out.

It's you and me and Doyle.
Who's Doyle?
Doyle! Doyle's Law.
- It's Murphy.
- What?

Who is Murphy?
Who's Murphy? Who's Doyle?
It's Murphy's Law --
"Whatever can go wrong
will go wrong."

- Him! Yes.
- Yes, him.
