8 Mile

This is the brand new car
you've been having

Jimmy, you notice the battIe
next week, right?

I don't wanna hear a shit about you
Man, don't
Come on, man
Look at me, they want to hear you
It won't matter what coIour you are
To win someone's battIe,
you have to've beIieve

Did you hear that wayne have
been taIking about that?

I heard that buIIshit.
CouId be a shot
You know I'm being
straight with the Iaw

I don't Iike Wayne so much negative
roIe towards the positive roIe

Wayne is taIking shit
There'II be no action. Just taIk.
You've cigarette?
Car accident. He suppose to get
settIement or some shit

You hurry up with that thing?
Try them now
It's what I am taIking about, baby
Come on, man.
We're going out tonight

Fuck Iast night
Forget it
It's Saturday.
I'II be straight to
the ruIe on Sunday.
