8 Mile

Tiesiog jisai nemëgsta...
Mama, að nenoriu ðito girdëti.

Greg'as nenori
baigti á mane.

Ei, Sol. ar niekad nenorëjai
spjaut á viskà ir pasakyti
"Dëjau ant visko"?

Tokiais momentais, kai
reikia nustot skrajot padebesiais
ir nusileist ant þemës?

Dabar 7:30
ryto, brolau.

Ei, padëkok savo motinai
uþ automobilá, brolau.

# Man, I'm gettin'
so sick and tired #

# Of fuckin' with this steel #
#They only give us 30 minutes
to eat lunch and chill #

#My body achin'
just to get a buck #

# I'm sick of eatin' this shit
off this fuckin' lunch truck #

#Nasty-ass food
I'm in a nasty-ass mood #

# I should have called in sick
Shit, I had somethin' to do ##

# I can't believe I'm hearin'
all this ravin' and rantin' #

# From Vanessa up here
at the New Detroit Stampin' #

# You need to get your food
and take your ass back to work #

#You're dreamin' if you think
them corny-ass raps will work #

#Look at y'all
Standin'out here freezin'
like dumb fucks #

# Rappin' away for food
off this raggedy lunch truck #

# Who want what
Who pumped up
to get rolled up #

# I spit venom
in every direction
Soak some up #

# Look at this fat-ass nigga
Sloppy sucker #

# You an ugly motherfucker
Your pop should have
wore a rubber #

# Stop rhymin'
Keep your day job, Vanessa #

# Next time, leave that bullshit
home on the dresser #
