About Schmidt

you get here a day
before wedding

Iike we said
I assume you won't
object me

sending any more of
those checks

" Dad, I do not
have time for this"

"you call me when you
get home, okay? "

"Bye, Ginny
Bye, Dad"

Dear Nçdugu
How are you?
I am fine
A week ago I decided to
take my way to Ginny's

wedding in Denver
Ginny begged me
to come early

to help with
wedding arrangements

but I told her I needed
some time myself

I decided to go to places l
haven't been to for a long time

So much has happened to my
life that I can't remember

Whole section of my life
is just gone

You will say I want to
give my self some memory

"The first place I stop
is Holdrege, Nçebraska"

I think seeing the house
I was born 67 years ago

When I was your age
we moved away from Holdrege

I often wonder what our old
house would be like today

I never forget the address
