About Schmidt

And so, Ndugu.
I must say it's been
a very rewarding trip.

And this morning, -
- I woke from my night in the wildernest
completely transformed.

I am like a new man.
For the first time
in years I feel clear.

I know what I want.
I know what
I have got to do, -

- and nothing is going
to stop me ever again.

Meanwhile along
with usual check, -

- I'm enclosing a little something
extra to spende as you please.

Yours very truly.
Warren... Schmidt.
Warren, how grand
to see you again.

Well, I hope I am
not intruding.

Not at all I was happy
to get your call, -

- and learn that you were
finally in town.

I bet that trip did you a lot of
good after all you been through.

I sent you a card
did you get my card ?
