About Schmidt

Mr Schmidt ?
You wanna go ahead and take
your seat in front row right there ? Please ?

If I could be provided a personal note...
I... I learned about love
from my parents.

Two extraordinary people
who were married 62 years...

and They're here... right here in this
room tonight.

I can feel them.
Hello Mom, hi Pap.
I miss you. And I... I love you...
and... I know every time I look
at Randall and Ginnie...

I just think... Randall's hands and mine are a lot alike and, Ginny's hands are...
Well you've seem to have come
around pretty good there Warren.

That stuff you gave me, waow !
You've got to write the name of that damn for me.
It really does the trick.

I Know what really get you
out of woods.

As soon as we get home,
I'm gonna fire up the hot tub.

And You're gonna take
a long soak before bed.

And sleep like a baby.
Tomorrow you'll
be good as new.

How does it feel ?
This is incredible.
I had no idea. It's indescribable
Didn't I tell you ?
Didn't I tell you ?

Mind if I join you ?
