
What are you doing?
Downgrading your network privileges.
Pending the outcome of my investigation,
your security clearance has been revoked.
Get out of my office!
When Emily was killed, you claim you
were in Taipei.
It is a fact, not a claim.
When the blackmailers stole a hundred
million dollars of the Alliance's
money in exchange for pictures of
that murder, you were--
On assignment in Istanbul.
Doing back channel, unsupervised
work that you conveniently arranged
for yourself.
I am a senior officer with discretion
to arrange and carry out assignments
as I see fit.
I will not be subject to a witch hunt!
You have no protections here,
no civil rights, no civil liberties
or reasonable doubt.
See that I'm not disturbed again.
Yes, ma'am.
Get everyone you can from op tech now.
Notify assets in Istanbul, Taipei and
Azerbaijan we'll need immediate
assistance in forging hard evidence
of my being in each of those locations
on specific days and times.


We have a situation. Ariana Kane,
head of Alliance counterintelligence,
she's investigating me in connection
with the murder of Emily Sloane.

00:12:21,003 --> 00:12:24,478
She's, what, checking your aliases, places you've
been through the agency? You're covered for that.


Yes, passport stamps, plane tickes, enough to withstand
a cursory inquiry. This is anything but cursory.




I did not kill Emily Sloane but I do have
secrets and the last thing I can afford,
the last thing Sydney can afford,
is someone discovering that my
loyalty does not lie with SD-6.
