
That slows down rate
and any estimate prevents.

Two factors can play:
The bad quality of the product
or a low temperature.

The number will raise the temperature.
Famous human heat...
Latticed conduits
the crystals will protect.

You will provide crystals
of quality in great quantity.

- My work at the Institute...
- We will divide you with them.

You will fill your duty of S.S.
and of Christian:

you will reduce to five minutes
anguish of the units

and you will accelerate rates.
- Lieutenant...
- Professor would be righter.

How long is necessary it
before intervening without mask?

- the filters are too expensive.
- Two hours.

Two hours!
Without ventilation, it is a minimum.
Which ventilation?
Which cubage?
1250 m3 on average.
With a pulsor of air of 1 CV,
you will gain one hour.

We will put two of them.
Turn over to your work
of cleansing

without forgetting your mission
Christian woman of public utility.

- the Nuncio does not receive!
- 5 mn! It is very significant.

Its Eminence does not see anybody.
Announce to me!
it is necessary that I speak to you.
- I must speak to you.
- What do you make here?

Lt Kurt Gerstein, Excellence.
I have information for the Vatican.
Its gravity justifies my intrusion.

I am shocked by your intrusion!
I call the police force.
