Analyze That

Drop him.
I'm working for Lou the Wrench. Rigazzi.
- The Wrench?
- Yeah, the Wrench.

- How do you spell his name?
- I don't know how to spell it. R-I-Z-A-Z-Z...

Can't even spell his fucking name right,
you fucking moron.

Pull him up.
What's the matter with you?
You said drop him.
- I said pull him back up.
- That ain't what I heard.

Then you heard what you wanted to hear.
I guess you got me there.
What the hell happened to you?
Vitti threw me off a roof.
Vitti? You talked to Vitti?
Yeah, I talked to Vitti.
- What did you say to him?
- Nothing.

- You sure you didn't tell him anything?
- I didn't say anything, Mr. Rigazzi.

Can I go now? I think my leg's broken.
That must hurt, huh?
Wait a minute.

I have something for that.
I hate to see people in pain.
Get him out of here.
What about Vitti?
He's a hard man to kill.
But he's not immortal.
Our time will come.
- Okay, roll film.
- Background.

Hey, I like my sausage burnt.
I don't know how you like your sausage?
I been doing this 20 fucking years.
