
- You said that this character
gave something to the boy
to take back to the missionary

for him to sign.
- It was a document

stating that Ussher
refused Turkish protection.

- But that's obvious. He's was
helping protecting Armenians.

- Exactly.
Actually, Ussher and Jevdet Bey
had met a few times before.

He tried to stop him
from carrying out his plans.

- What plans?
- For genocide.
Over a million people
were killed.

An ancient civilization
living on ancestral lands.

It was systematic
and fully planned.

The entire Armenian population
of Eastern Turkey

was eliminated.
- Now I need permission to put
50 soldiers with supplies

in your mission compound.
- Why?
- Well, to protect you,
of course.

- We're underthe protection
of the United States of America.

- The United States of America.
They're so far away.
- It won't be safe to send
so many Turkish soldiers

into the heart
of the Armenian quarter.
