
that the Armenians were a threat
to their security.

I mean, their eastern border
was threatened by Russia

and, I mean, if they believed
that the Armenians

were gonna betray them...
So this was... this was war.
Populations get moved around
all the time. So...

- Then again,
thank you for your work.
- Ali, we're ready for you.
- I got your car around back.
Drive you home.

Mr. Saroyan!
- Yes?
- Why didn't you answer him?
- Because he's having regrets
about playing the part.

I can understand. He will
receive angerfrom his people.

- But he thinks Turkey was
at war with Armenia.

Doesn't it botheryou
that he doesn't get the history?

- No, not really.
- I mean, why didn't you explain
to him that we were citizens,

we were Turkish citizens.
We had a right to be protected.
- Are you driving him home?
- Yeah.
- Huh. Take this.
Buy him a bottle of champagne.
Let him think
that he has done something...

- Something special.
- L'm sorry, Mr. Saroyan,
I don't think I understand.

- Young man, do you know
what still causes...

so much pain?
It's not the people we lost,
orthe land.
It's to know
that we could be so hated.
