At kende sandheden

But nothing was found.
She was discharged in good health.
But she had another stroke three
months later and it killed her.

We couldn't find the site.
lt happens sometimes.

A few never have another stroke.
lf we'd known whom they'd be
they'd not have had Thorotrast.

But we couldn't tell.
- So she goes on the right?

Of course.
She died.

lf Aunt Johanne paid for your studies
why your lifetime of debt?

Because she tricked me.
What about those?

We've done them.
She knew l'd never
join the missionaries.

So she left all her money
to the Santal Mission -

- and l was left a Bible ...
and a text ...

... that said that
work was its own reward.

lt was something of a shock
to find myself deep in debt.

''Fear of God and thrift
are their own reward.''

Meanwhile l'd got stuck
in my medical studies -

- because l'd dreamed of
being a great scientist.

This was
thanks to Aunt Johanne.

She suffered from
pernicious anaemia.

ln those days
they prescribed raw liver.

But l was sure the stomach
was involved.

So l asked for permission
to experiment -

- by removing parts
of canine stomachs -

- to see if the dogs
developed pernicious anaemia.

l'd like to conduct
the experiments myself.

But of course l'd need help.
- You know canine surgery?

No, but l'd study canine anatomy
and practice on dead dogs first.

Lundgaard, ever
done canine surgery?

Not on the stomach.
But l'd be happy to assist Malmros.

How long would
we observe the dogs?

Six months, with blood tests
every three days or so.

Malmros sounds Swedish; are you
related to the Bishop of Lund?
