Auto Focus

I used to listen to your show every
morning back when I had a real job.

Was that really you
playing the drums on the radio?

- Sure it was. You think I was faking?
- You did a lot of kidding.

Not about that.
You want to sit in?
As a special treat,
sitting in on drums...

...Colonel Robert Hogan from the hit
TV series Hogan's Heroes, Bob Crane!

Come on, let's hear it!
Kommandant, bring out
the little strudel. What do you say?

Come on! Angela, from Lubbock!
Thanks for meeting me like this, Father.
It must seem unusual.

Not at all.
We haven't seen you in a while.

I'm sorry. I'll be at Mass tomorrow
with Anne and the kids.

This TV show,
you wouldn't believe the hours.

Don't be so hard on yourself.
Everybody's life has its unique
demands. I'm glad you called.

- Thank you.
- So, what's on your mind?

Just the show, you know.
We work late.

When you get off,
you're all sort of jazzed up.

So I've been playing my drums,
you know, just to sort of wind down.

I've been playing
at various, you know...

...strip clubs.
Would you be more comfortable
in the confessional?

Just wanted to talk.
Of course. Of course.
So does Anne know?

About the clubs? No.
No, but I think
it's obvious I've been...
