Avenging Angelo

There's nothing you can do
about it, Kip!

And you are not gonna
disrespect me!

Ma'am, please.
lf you don't mind?
- You're hurt?
- Yes, ma'am, l am.

You're bleeding.
Rather profusely.

- That's what happens
when you get shot. - Shot!

- Yes, ma'am. - You've been shot?
- Definitely. But it's not..

..as bad as it looks. Really.
Well, you're at the wrong house.
lt's the wrong neighborhood.

- You want Queens. Maybe Brooklyn.
- Uh! No, wait.

l'm at the right house, Jennifer.
May l?

- l know you, don't l?
- Yes, ma'am, you do.

l'm so sorry. l can't
remember your name.

Frankie Delano.

Oh, right! Frankie.
You used to deliver groceries
for Angelo when l was a girl.

Yes, ma'am.
When you were a kid, ma'am.

The news
l heard you presumed.

Come again?
l presume
you heard the news.

- What news?
- Got a television?

Sources close to the investigation
tell Mobile Eight's news team..

..that it had the trademark signs
of a mob hit. - That nice old man?

We've gotta
get you to a hospital.

..not necessary.
The police?
Definitely not necessary.
Well, so what do we do?
You were shot!

That's what you said, right?
Ma'am, do you happen
to have..

..a DVD player?
- DVD?

Yes, ma'am, a DVD player.
- lt's been shot. - Shot?
- Yeah.

DVD's been shot. A lot
of that goin' around tonight.

There's another one
in the master bedroom, l think.
