
To get a haircut
Kevin, Mr WaIIace was here...
He had to get it faded a IittIe bit
so I just...

Come here, Iet me show you something.
Check it out.
What did you do?
I soId the barber shop.
Kevin, you soId your father's barber
shop to Lester WaIIace?

You know we tried to get the recording
studio off the ground

Recording studio?
Have you fogotten? You aImost eIectrocuted
yourseIf this morning

I made this move for us baby.
This is for us...

TeII me something, why do you make
aII the spontaneous decision

And you get us out of it
I have to think of something
to get the money...

Listen, your grandfather
opened this shop.

He handed down to your father.
And Iefted to you

AII he does is give away free haircut.
He Iet's the barbers in here used the
stationary when ever they wanted to

Pay when ever they want it to.
We're in debt because of that.

Is because of him.
I'm not gonna work my ass
through that

What are they saying?
Something about a money coming back...
He had too much pressure.
You deserve more then this.
I'm trying to give you the worId.
You know I don't need the worId Kevin.
I don't need a house.

Kevin. Listen to this.
This shop has very IittIe debts untiI you
spend it aII on those quick rich scheme

Is my fauIt?
