
I wiII if I want too.
If onIy normaI to make white better
then bIack peopIe.

Wait a minute, white are better
then bIack peopIe

Jimmy got a point.
Because nobody in here want to be
a barber for the rest of his Iife

Thank you.
-That's aII I'm saying.

I Iike it in here Kevin.
A barber is respectabIe.
I must admit I Iike it.
So I guess I have to teII you.
Watch it Jimmy.
You're a hater.
No I'm not.
-Yes, you are.

Run! Run!
I'II put your skinny ass back!
You see that, that's why you can't
handIe business

I'm about to poke you.
I just want the money.
What's my mama code?
Thank you
You're weIcome,
you beautifuI bIack sister

I've got an annoucement to make.
I brought some more appIe juice

and I want nobody in here to drink it.
have some respect and decentacy
for other peopIe's stuff

Why are you Iooking at me for?
Because I know you drank
my appIe juice

Did you see me drink it?
I don't care!
Did you see me drink it?
