
You taIk about who ever, what ever,
whenever you want to in a barber shop

Keep on waIking
I ain't with you.
You're attacking me
Fuck you.
I Iove this
Kevin, what's up man?
Where you going?

Don't waIk past me Iike
you don't see me.

Kev, Kev. i'm taIking to you
Just waIk past me Iike that,
Iike a magic wand or something

Mr WaIIace?
I'II Iead, you foIIow.
Lead, 2 steps, 2 steps.
You know Kevin, I have never come across
anybody to give me my money back

I think frankIy you trying to wax me...?
-I swear to god, I'm not trying to wax you

I don't know what that mean.
AII I'm saying is I had a change of heart

I had aII day to think about it
I don't want to Iose my shop.
Don't want to Iose it this way.

Which way is that?
My money ain't good enough for you huh?
I'm just street duty.
You just waIk your bIack ass on some
white men Iane, you'II find out

not onIy I'm the onIy friend you've got.
Now, on the subject I've gave you
the money this morning....

The money is yours.
The shop is mine.
I'II be wiIIing to caII off the
whoIe deaI...

If you get my money by...
