Big Trouble

Something to drink?
I need a missile.
This for you?
This is personal missile?

What the flying shit
do you care?

Usually you drop money,
somebody else
pick up equipment.

What, are you keeping
a diary?

You got a goddamn missile
or not?

Right now,
do not have missile.

missile wery hard to get.
Well, I want you to try
wery goddamn hard
to get a missile.

You got me, comrade?
-- You pay?
-- [ Chair creaks ]

maybe I have item
for you.

What the hell is that?
Looks like
a garbage disposal.

Is big bomb.
Take a look.

I'm not long
for this place.

my brother's working security
at the airport.

Big time.
Oh, yeah.
Check this out.

Well, we're not
supposed to carry guns.

Well, we're not supposed
to drink on the job either.

All right.
Let's reconnoiter
back here at 2100 hours.

man on radio: Just one brave
Gator fan to call.

Where are the Gator fans now?
All you Gator fans call
when you win.

But now that you lose, you don't
have the guts to call in.

I'm waiting for one,
just one...

What the hell are Gators?
Football -- college.
-- morons.
-- mm-hmm.

man #2 on radio:
I'm a Gator fan,
and I'm calling.
