Blood Work

Well, Jaye...
...why don't you get me
a copy of the book?

Both yours and L.A. Could you?
I'll ask the captain.
I don't see why not.

He was the lieutenant
on the Cemetery Man case.

Yeah, I kind of remember that.
Oh, well. I'm glad
someone got promoted.

-Right here.

Mr. Lockridge, Terry McCaleb.
Thanks for seeing me.

Are you a policeman?
No, retired FBl. I'm investigating
a related case for a victim's family.

-Good. Because police are stupid.

-Didn't they tell you?

Why would they? When I found
the guy, I call 91 1, right?


They sent the ambulance
to the wrong place.

Took them 20 minutes.
He might have made it
if they hadn't screwed up.

-Those things happen.

They screwed up. A guy died.
End of story.

I'm busy. I agreed to see you
because you're already here, so...

...what do you want?
I thought you'd give your
statement to me firsthand.

For the love of God.
I needed cash.

As I pulled up, the guy
driving out almost hits me.

All I saw was a car.
There were no plates, no face, nothing.

I walk up to the ATM,
and there's this guy bleeding.

I figured he got it right before
I got there, so I called 91 1.

Ten minutes later, they come,
driving right fucking past us. Past us.

Any other details?
It could've been me.
Could've been him finding me...

...with the ambulance driving
right on fucking by. Good stuff.
