Bowling for Columbine

Something is wrong
in this country...

when a child...
can grab a gun...
grab a gun so easily...

and shoot a bullet...
into the middle of a child's
face, as my son experienced.

Something is wrong.
But the time has come
to come to understand

that a Tech-9 semi-automatic
30-bullet weapon

like that that killed my son,
is not used to kill deer.
It has no useful purpose.
It is time to address
this problem.

- We have work to do,
hearts to heal,

evil to defeat
and a country to unite.

We may have differences, yes,
and we will again suffer tragedy
almost beyond description.

But when the sun sets
on Denver tonight,

and forever more, let it
always set on we the people,

secure in our land of the free
and home of the brave.

I, for one, plan to do my part.
Thank you.
[ cheering and clapping ]
- Or like when they had
their convention in Colorado,

a week, whatever,
the month after Columbine,

that was just stupid.
Just don't do that.

Of course you have "the right
to," but what are you doing?

Upsetting a whole city full of
people, why would you do that?

- This is Matt Stone.
He grew up in Littleton

and has fond memories
of Columbine.

- Yeah, Columbine,
it's just a crappy school

in the middle of a bunch
of crappy houses.

- Matt and his friend
Trey Parker

found a way to take out
their anger of being different
in Littleton

and turn it not into carnage,
but into a cartoon.
