
The sanitary toweIs
cost a bomb.

300 grammes in one week!
You've the best miIk
in the worId.

He Iooks Iike your father.
As Ieast he doesn't
Iook Iike Giorgio.

- He smiIed.
- You smiIed too.

He knows what we're taIking about.
Ifyou teII peopIe that,
they think you're crazy.

- Where are the others these days?
- Where are the others,

They act Iike they're
the onIy peopIe to have a baby.

- What shaII we do?
- We never go to see them.

No, you can't smoke,
the music mustn't be too Ioud,

you have to taIk quietIy
so as not to wake the baby.

- They're too anxious about the baby.
- No, I can understand it.

- I hardIy recognise Tommaso now.
- He's changed now he's a father.

- Stefania doesn't Iisten anymore.
- AII she taIks about is the baby.

The Iast movie we saw
was that one with Tom Cruise.

- What was it caIIed?
- With Tom Cruise?

I don't remember.
- I'm scared.
- Ofwhat?

- That you'II get fed up of this.
- What?

Monica says
there are three aIarm beIIs.

The first when you stop going out.
The second when you stop having sex.
And the third
when you start watching TV.

Let's not start
the second one then.
