
and you're a butterfly.
Crushed on a wheel!

Wait, what did you say?
ls it the moth or the butterfly?

-You have sin in your soul.
-God, that's beautiful.

Cut out God.
Stay with your battle acquainted.

Kid, when l'm through with you,
not only will you be acquainted,

you can remain on the jury.
l wanna take you home to meet his mother.

l was born on
a beautiful Southern corn dent.

-Holy shit!

l'd never gotta get this straight!
Pipe down and swearing.
Look, from here on,

You'd say nothing wrong.
Now try it again.

-l was born on...
-Come on...

You know what l'm gonna do at
witness stand?

l thought l'd get all teary eyes
and ask for your handkerchief.

Then l think l'd take a peek
at the jury like this.

Flash a bit of the thigh,
what do you think?

lt sounds great.
Hey, don't you want to hear the rest?
Knock it off. You're on the top of my

Well, well, well.
Sorry to be late, Mr. Flynn.
Hope you're not too bored.
l like it. l like it.
Hey, l heard your
press conference is tomorrow.

Yeah, what is to you?
Well, you wanted my advice, right?
Whatever it is, don't forget Bailiff's
number-one client is Billy Flynn.

Meaning what?
