
''Underground Dance Part-ay.''
- That's very ''funk-fIickerty'' of you.
- I've been practising.

Sneaked away from the study haII.
Worked the turntabIes in the tech room.

- Hey...who is that?
- Hey, dude, where've you been?

- That's Francesca from VenezueIa.
- She goes to our schooI?

That's got to be
good for attendance.

TeII me about it. She has PE
when I'm in Marching Band.

I get smacked every time
the trombones Iook at her.

- This is perfect.
- What?

A foreign girI in a foreign Iand,
she's IoneIy and vuInerabIe.

I've read about this in Cosmo.
I got to taIk to her.

- No, you're gonna get faced.
- I'm not, come on.

Watch and Iearn.
OK, you're gonna get faced.
Excuse me.
Hi. Do you have the time?

I mean,
you go to my schooI, right?

I couIdn't say.
What schooI is yours?

My friend watches you in PE.

I mean, you're new, right?
I'm Zak and I thought...
It can be IoneIy in a new town.
I thought you'd need showing around.

Ay, sí! Qué bueno!
It's so very hard for me.

I try to be brave,
expIoring by myseIf.

I reaIIy want to be giving my Iove
to the first bozo who asks the time.

I read Cosmo too.
OK, I'II see you at schooI, then.
