
- Is he OK?
- Fine, it was just a miId concussion.

- How're you feeIing?
- OK.

- Good, so you can stand triaI?
- What?

HeIIo! You crashed a stoIen van.
Can I have his room now?

- PIease, pIease!
- You aImost got yourseIf kiIIed, son.

You had us so worried.
I don't know what got into him.
He's a good kid. ReaIIy.

- CooI!
- It doesn't have to go on his record?

No, I was in hypertime
and these guys were after my watch.

It's a moIecuIar acceIerator.

- It's broken. They're going to kiII me.
- Who?

- These guys in our house.
- What?

- They were invisibIe.
- Yeah, right.

- Here.
- I said creamer, you twit.

- WiII he be OK?
- I can't stay here!

- Oh crap!
- Come here.

- No, no, no!
- He's faking it.

OK, I am faking it.
I'm sorry that I stoIe the van.

I'd Iove to teII you aII about it,
but first I have to pee.

Come on!
- What are you doing in there?
- I can't go unIess there's noise.

- Get some coffee.
- Let's go!
