
Yeah, baby,
I miss you, too.

- Hot Skates. Meeker speaking.
- I need to borrow your mum's car.

Zak! What's going on?
The cops are Iooking for you, man.

Turn around sIowIy. Be cooI!
You don't want to be seen with me.

- Get the keys to your mum's Subaru.
- What? Are you crazy?

Someone's trying to kiII me
for the watch, which is broken.

You don't need a Subaru,
you need the poIice.

I just came from the poIice.
They weren't as heIpfuI as you'd think!

I need to find my dad.
- He might know who they are.
- That's a six hour drive!

I've got to go...
Budget cuts!
OK, Mr InvisibIe.
Where are you?

That's nice.
What are you doing?
Did you break in to pee?

No, actuaIIy...
- I used the phone, too.
- What are you wearing?

I know it's the Iast thing you want
to hear after one date,

but the cops are Iooking for me
and I've got no pIace eIse to go.
