Collateral Damage

I want to cut an album, man.
It’s kind of hardcore campesino rap.
Want to hear a little taste?

If I have to.
With that attitude, it won’t be
a lot of fun. Here you go.

Guerrilla thrilla
Take me to Manila

What do we got?
Smooth like vanilla

Hottie, eenie-minie-mo
Tell the CIA to go

They gotta get out, you know
-What do you think, man?
-Great. I think you’ll be a winner.

-Are you serious?
-You’re in the wrong profession.

I can’t believe this.
That’s exactly how I feel.

-All right, here. Put this on.
-What’s this for?

For your protection. You don’t wanna
know how to get where we’re going.

It won’t be more than 15 minutes.
Okay, we’re here, baby.
Don’t get funky on me.

So, what do you think?
Pretty snazzy, right?

-Where are we?
-My place.

-It smells here.
-Profits, baby, profits.

-This is a cocaine plant.
-I know.

Just because I’m brown and down
doesn’t mean I work for minimum wage.

If I don’t do it, Bolivia will.
Bolivia don’t, China will.
