Confessions of a Dangerous Mind

BARRIS: I figured I was in.
All I had to do
was get the pilot made...

[ Camera clicks ]
and I'd be a millionaire.
Everyone would love me.
Was anyone ever so young?
- No.
- No.

- No.
- No.

- No.
- All right. Lose it.

BARRIS: ABC didn't like
"The Dating Game."

They did like a show
called "Hootenanny."

Whoa, whoa, whoa.
I like this one.

CHUCK: Well, he led
an amazingly long life.

BARRIS: Hooten-fuckin'-nanny.
PENNY: What do they know?
That's long for a dog.
I don't know.
Probably about 70 to you and me.

[ Sighs ] Uh-huh.
It's nine years
to every one of ours.

[ Thump ]
PENNY: Ha ha ha!

[ Bag rustles ]
CHUCK: Yeah.
[ Penny laughing ]
I'm sorry about your show.
How long has he been dead?

Jesus, Phoebe, that's--
Yeah. No, I'll hold on.
- Is that your mom?
- My sister.

Come here. Oh, yeah.
I got you these.

Listen, Pen, I'm not--
I want to tell you something.
I talked to a psychic today.

- A what?
- A psychic.

And she said that you are
gonna be very successful.

- Oh, really?
- Very successful.

- Tarot cards?
- Tea leaves.

Say that again, Phoebe.
I missed it.

Tuvia? No, why would I
have seen her?

- She did?
- Who's Tuvia?
