
Be careful, Lucy.
- We're sorry.
- I've been in a car full of chicks.

Do you have any idea what it's like
being surrounded by girls?.

Being a girl yourself,
I know, stupid question.

But I'm a guy, okay?.
I'm a guy.Just a guy.

And I have been listening
to girl talk and watching you do...

your girl things for days.
I'm not complaining, 'cause,
let's face it, I'm outnumbered.

But that's my car.
It's my car, and it's just--
It's the one thing that hasn't
been taken over by chicks.

- Okay?.
- Okay.

- Ben?.
- Yeah?.

Were you really in jail?.
Yeah, I was.
- So you killed a guy?.
- What?.

Who said I killed a guy?.
Everybody back home.
Oh, man.
No, I didn't kill a guy.

What did you do then?.
I was in college, and I get
this call from my stepsister.

She wants me to come get her 'cause
my stepdad is beating her up.
