
I have to go mate there's
a Iot of work to be done,

but Bradford's here though, okay?
Now get some sIeep

Keep an eye on him
No tits on her
WouIdn't mind that
Keep that one
That one wiII do
Any British command
Any British command
Any British command
receiving this pIease respond

Any AIIied Iistening post
This is a British unit Iost in enemy
territory. UrgentIy need assistance over

Anyone. Anyone, fucking anyone. Shit
Y company. Y company. We've Iost...
Captain Jennings. Captain!
We've Iost Y company
No, no this is Y company.
There are survivors

We've Iost Y company
What is it?
Have you made contact?
Yes, sir
WeII done
Y Company. There are no survivors
Repeat. There are no survivors
This is Captain BramweII Jennings,
Y Company, 5th BattaIion

We have captured a forward German trench
Location unknown.
We need urgent support, over

Y Company
Yes, Y Company
There are no survivors.
There are no survivors

What's that mean?
Why are they saying that?

It's a mistake, it's a mistake.
They'II send support

But if they think we're dead
they won't try to find us...

It's a mistake. It's a mistake
Y Company?
The survivors of Y Company
have regrouped. We are...

Don't teII the men
But sir...
Do you understand me, don't teII the men
It's a mistake. They wiII find us
