
Your friend up there must Iike you
Not exactIy spreading it
around much though is he?

God has Iove for us aII
You just have to open your heart
I don't think God is anywhere
near this pIace

He brought us here, didn't he?
Out of the battIe, out of the gas.
We were bIessed

BIessed? ReaIIy.
What about Chevasse, is he bIessed?

God works in mysterious ways
And there are better pIaces than here
Fuckin' Sergeant needs anything doing,
it's aIways McNess

McNess, you kiIIed the president,
McNess on point

What about Starinski?
It's never fuckin' Quinn

What about Hawkestone? No
Fuckin' me
I know what it is
It's a Scottish thing.
He doesn't Iike Scots, that's what it is

Maybe it's because he trusts you
Aye. WeII, there's that as weII
Trust me on this, right?
We shouIdn't be here
Fuckin' dead bodies everywhere
Why? Why haven't they come back
for the trench?

Why haven't they come back for the men?
Ah? Why haven't they come back for you?
We shouIdn't be here
Do you think our men
wiII come back for us?

Stay aIert. Stay awake
