Doctor Sleep

Is this a new one?
Do you like music videos?
You know, sometimes...
the lights and colours
act like musical notes.

See how the colours get brighter
as the beat gets louder?

You can almost feel the music
on your face, can't you?

And on your chest.
And the louder the music gets...
the brighter the colours
get until...

they merge into one.
One great, white light.
It 's almost difficult to watch,
isn't it?

Difficult to keep your eyes open.
Maybe you should close your eyes.
Just for a moment.

Let them close.
You'll feel better.

Don't fight it.
Just close your eyes.
That 's much better, isn't it?
Now tell me, Heather...
what do you see
with your eyes closed?

Like stars in the night sky?
Millions and millions of stars
stretching away to infinity.

Travel through them...
past them...
