Eight Crazy Nights

When i was a kid playing youth
league ball for palmer episcopal...

...i dreamed of two things:
Learning to make a lay-up with my left
hand and becoming a multi-billionaire.

I think you all know which dream
came true.

Sorry! That one caught me by surprise.
And even though i don't recall scoring a
point during my four seasons of play...

...the memories of the fun times
i did have...

...made it very easy for me to purchase
the new digital scoreboard...

...for the community center
earlier this year.

Thanks for the recognition.
- Thanks for the scoreboard!
- Thank you, tommy!

Excuse me! Can i just say something?
- There he is!
- Stone, what are you doing here?

Getting himself arrested, mayor duhy.
He broke into the mall.

I love it! Your ass busted!
Now you go to jail
and marry big, smelly man.

Stone, you screwed up for the last time.
That 10-year sentence i promised you
starts tonight.

Please, just let me speak for one second.
Are those tears in his eyes?
Let the guy talk!
After all, it is the holidays.
She's right. And then we'll
send him up the river.

Okay, mrs. Triple nipple...
i mean, mrs. Selman.

Go ahead, mr. Stone. Let's hear
your parting words of wisdom.

I know you people don't like me or
care about my opinion, but here goes.

Tommy, nothing personal, but whitey
should have won the patch tonight.

You're all crazy for not realizing that.
Why would we give whitey duvall the
patch? So he could use it as a blanket?
