Eight Legged Freaks

The Lycosa narbonensis looks different
today. It's bigger.

It's their diet.
I made a discovery.

These have been in the pond
for the past three days.

They're like...spider steroids.
I see dead people.
I see dead people.

He loves that movie. I don't....
There they go! Look, look!
-He was hungry!
-As they grow, their appetites do too.

I've never seen spiders this big.
It's because of those crickets?.

I'm gonna make a fortune.
Jumping spiders!
Yeah, Habronattus orbus.
Look, look how they kill.
I call this an arach-attack.
-Get it?.
-Yeah. It's good.

Have the orb weavers come in?.
T ook me forever to get
that mating pair.

I had to bribe every customs agent
from Santiago to Tucson. But here.

That is too cool.
See, the male orb weavers compete
for the female's attention.

They all try to give her
the best present. Like bugs...

...or, you know, rats
or the occasional parrot.

Let me show you something.
You see, the prey is cocooned alive
so she can eat them in her nest.

You know how women
like breakfast in bed.

Look at it.
Look at this, look at her.
The female is three times as big
as the male.

Say hello to Consuela.
She fills her prey
with digestive acid...
