
'cause there's only so far
I can go in this lifestyle.

"Lifestyle." What's so bad about it?.
What doyou need, Vic?.

I don't seeyou walking around
with a Metro card in your pocket.

Stop it. Stop it.
Talk to me, Victor.

I got Jimmy working
my crew right now.

He's making as much money
as I was making before...

soyou're not gonna
be hurting with me gone.

'Cause I got a prospect foryou.
I wanna merge with you.

I wanna make a partnership where I can
getyou 300% return on your investment.

- How much areyou looking for?.
- 1.5.

That's a lot of money.
I know, but I can getyou 4.5
in a six-month period.

That's the beauty ofit.
I'm talking about
as soon as I getyour money back...

I wanna be able to diversify some more.
You know what I'm saying?.

- What kind ofa deal is it?.
- Offshore deposits.

- Money laundering.
- No, this guy's legitimate.

How solid is your contact?.
This guy's unbelievable. I met him
through my girlfriend.

It's this white guy.
The hottest guy on Wall Street.

Everybody's investing with this cat.
He's got all the money he needs.

There's no such thing, baby.
We both know that.

Right. True, true.
Butyou know, you're right.
You earned this one.
But I want 500% return.

$7.5 million.
That's my price.

I don't know ifI can do that.
All right, you got it. I just need
the money by the end ofthe week.

All right.
Butyou want something from me,
I want something from you--Jimmy.

He's in a warwith Hector.
I can't have that.

Hector is a good guy.
He's not crazy like Tito,
cutting the shit and all that.
