
Oh, shit.
He's a businessman, Trish.
If he were born in the suburbs...

he'd be running, like,
a Fortune 500 company.

He was born in the Bronx,
he does what he does.

I like him. He's as legit as anyone else
I've ever worked with.

No, I like him, too.
I mean, he's cute, intelligent...

- Hey, you think he's cute?
- Are you jealous?

No, I'm not jealous.
He's got a bullet in his shoulder.

- You are so mean.
- Cleo, how you doing?

- Hey, what's going on?
- Trish: How are you?

- You guys gonna take off?
- Yeah. Bye.

- Have fun. Don't spend
too much of my money.
- I'll spend every dime.

- Here.
- What's this?

Trish's boyfriend, Jack...
took a liking to you and he wants
to do business with you.

When did he call? This morning?
Last week, but that's not the point.
Why? You don't think
I can handle it?

No, that's not what I'm saying.
I wouldn't be where I am today
if I didn't know what I was doing.

You can handle anything.
I've always said that.

But it's a different animal, papi.
All right.
I mean, we're talking
about a Wall Street guy.

If you're gonna do this,
go in knowing...

that he's not smarter
than you, you hear me?

Rafael Menendez, younger brother...
ofJoanna Menendez,
"La Colombiana. "

I've seen her
maybe three or four times...

in the 10 years
I've been working for her.

She don't like people
to know who she is...

so she sends Rafael
to do her business.

He's someone you don't
wanna fuck with.

Basically, bottom line,
what I'm asking you is...

for approval, okay?
Tito's gonna go to war.

If I don't respond hard, man...
if I don't jump in there...

this shit's gonna be mad out of control,
you know what I'm saying, right?

- Tito's a stupid motherfucker.
- Vic: I know that.

He's been a pain in our asses
for a long time.

Just make sure
this is over with quick.

Yeah, man. No doubt.
I'm about winning, man,
not about fighting.
